Beta vulgaris var. cicla Vog.
Brand: PNOS
Packaged:10,0 g
Ex Tax: 1.85€
Mangold sprouts - seeds for germination (Beta vulgaris var.vulgaris L.)
Super valuable and effective nutrition!
Beet sprouts taste good and are suitable for use in salads, appetizers and main dishes.
Also used to make mixed cocktails and vegetable purees.
The seeds look like dark brown balls with a diameter of 2-4 mm.
The germination process takes about 8-10 days, during which time the seeds and seedlings need regular irrigation with water.
1 g of seeds is equal to 10 g of seedlings.
Beet sprouts strengthen the body's defenses, have a tonic effect and improve digestion.
They contain a large amount of calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, sulfur, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, PP and U, which heals wounds and ulcers in the stomach and intestines, normalizes cholesterol levels.
Vitamin P is of particular value, it can increase the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent sclerosis and internal bleeding.
The seeds contain only a few calories, restore the acid-base balance of the body, remove toxins and toxins, and facilitate the work of the heart and brain.

Punapeedi idandid söömiseks
Nutritional information (43 kcal per 100 grams of sprouted product):
Proteins: 1.61 g.
Fat: 0.17 g.
Carbohydrates: 6.76 g.
Fiber (dietary fiber): 2.8 g.

"Medicus curat, natura sanat" is a valuable truth understood by Hippocrates himself.
Germinating seeds are not just food, nutritional supplements or pharmacologically pill drugs ...
This is the very case when a person uses for food a whole living organism with maximum biological properties, which is in an extremely dynamic stage of life development and activity (not altered by thermal, chemical or mechanical treatment that upsets the balance of the developing living tissue).
In a word, a germinated seed is a product of Nature itself.
By the way, it is not for nothing that modern nutritionists consider sprouting seeds the most valuable food, understanding the multisystem and effective stimulating effect on the physiological energy potential of any bio-individual (be it a person, cat, dog or parrot).

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